Therapeutic Footwear Service

Holistic Approach

It’s been nearly five years in the making, but we can now confidently say the Foot Comfort Centre is a one-stop-shop for all your foot and ankle needs.

We now have a full range of therapeutic footwear to accompany all the other clinical, medical and other services we offer.

We’re proud to announce that our custom and therapeutic footwear range is fully operational.

Gone are the days when therapeutic or orthopaedic footwear looked clunky and felt heavy.

Our new range of comfort shoes are stylish, comfortable and affordable.

And rather than wait months to have your shoes made on the NHS you can now get them much more quickly.

We have a small but interesting selection of brands and models in stock and can order in additional models within a week or have them custom made footwear made for you, often within a few weeks.

Who Needs Them?

A range of different people with different needs can benefit from comfort, therapeutic and custom made shoes.

If you are suffering from foot, ankle or back problems customised shoes can help reduce impact on the body through having better cushioning than normal footwear.

We help a lot of runners, people with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and a range of other problems that the right footwear can ease.

Buying these kinds of shoes online is often hit and miss. So, it’s often much better to have a proper evaluation from a foot and ankle expert who can then recommend the best course of action – be that footwear or clinical services.

To book your evaluation, please contact us on the number below.

Thanks for reading and on behalf of everyone at the Foot Comfort Centre we wish all the readers of this publication a happy new year.


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