“A short back and sides please”

Firstly, may I take this opportunity to wish all our clients, and readers of this publication a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

I’d also like to thank those of you who dropped off food items at the centre in the run up to Christmas.

We were collecting on behalf of Sufra NW London and it was heart warming to see such local generosity.

We’ve a lot planned in 2018 with celebrations to mark our 20th birthday and the launch of several new services.

One of those services is linked to the headline of this article.

Now, before you start thinking we’re going to start offering haircuts, please let me explain.

According to a barber friend of mine, and based on my own experience when I had full head of hair, the most requested haircut for men is the classic ‘short back and sides.’

This got me thinking about the most requested services we are asked for by clients.

The foot care equivalent of a ‘short back and sides’ would be nail care or removal of hard skin and corns.

You might say it’s the ‘bread and butter’ for our profession and a service we offer to men and women of all ages.

This part of our service is aimed primarily at providing and maintaining comfort from conditions such as ingrown toenails and painful corns.

For some of our clients attending on a regular basis for these treatments form an important part of their foot health, and prevent future problems.

So, for 2018 we have decided to create a selection of packages which will allow our ‘regulars’ to make savings on each visit they make to us, by budgeting for their footcare throughout the year.

Watch this space for details of that and other news on what we are doing this year.

Thanks for reading,


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